Wednesday, December 9, 2020

"Brave Enough to Listen"--A Prayer for December 10, 2020


“Brave Enough to Listen”—A Prayer for December 10, 2020

We are trying, God.
We really are.

We are trying to find our way
on this road we have never walked before,
and the journey keeps stretching out ahead
farther than we had guessed at first.

As we keep putting one foot after another,
we are really struggling with figuring out
which voices to allow to guide us,
and which are the ones to ignore.
We have been lied to and tricked
more times than we’d care to say,
and we’d rather not be
fooled again.

So give us clarity today, and make us
brave enough to listen to the ones
who tell us what is true and good
even if it’s not what we wanted to hear.

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