Sunday, November 29, 2020

You Reserve the Right--A Prayer for November 30, 2020


You Reserve the Right—A Prayer for November 30, 2020 

(drawn from reading Isaiah 64:3-4)

We want you, O God, to be predictable.
and you, in your holy stubbornness,
seem determined as ever to surprise us.

You are the God with an ace up your sleeve,
and you insist on the unexpected.

You reserve the right,
so the old seers tell us:
to catch us off guard,
to do a new thing,
to move beyond the categories we construct
to contain you (we think) and keep you safe.

But you—you do what we never saw coming.
You call teenage girls to bear divinity.
You welcome the ones the rules call unacceptable.
You choose to be faithful
in the face of our fickle hearts that keep bailing out on you.

Be your surprising Self, O God. You are just what we need.

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