Monday, November 28, 2022

The Slow Work of Learning--November 28, 2022

The Slow Work of Learning--November 28, 2022

"In days to come the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and shall be raised about the hills; all the nations shall stream to it. Many peoples shall come and say, 'Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his paths.' For out of Zion shall go forth instruction, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem." [Isaiah 2:2-3]

It turns out that peace can't be coerced; it is learned. Justice, too, is more than mere brute force--it is a way of life you grow in.  And love, as well, isn't merely a feeling that turns on or off like a switch or a snap of a finger, but more like a path you step into and keep walking in.

The Reign of God, then, looks more like instruction and less like enforcement.  And that calls for patience.

I'm not sure I've ever thought about it this way, but here at the start of this season of waiting we call Advent, it becomes clear.  The prophets like Isaiah envision a changed world, but it's not changed by tanks or armies overrunning the world in God's name. God doesn't bring about justice and righteousness by marching in hosts of angelic warriors to intimidate us into good behavior. Rather, the promised future comes as God teaches us all how not to see each other as neighbors rather than threats.  And that requires a willingness to take the time for us to learn, which is always a process, always something of a struggle, and often involves the dance of taking two steps forward and one step back.  But it doesn't come through fear and violence.

Over the course of human history, we have had plenty of empires looking to enforce their ways and their will on the peoples they conquer.  And for a time, it sure looks efficient.  You can intimidate people into doing what you want--or not doing what you forbid--for a while, and it looks like you have brought peace and security.  But at some point the grip of every empire gives out, and the fist gets tired of clenching.  If you really want to accomplish peace and justice, it cannot come by threats or yelling.  It comes with patience for teachers and learners both.

That means God chooses to be patient, rather than a tyrant.  And it means that we are called to be patient as well, as we both strain forward yearning for a world in which nations do not invade one another or brutalize their citizens to maintain control over them [stories that are sadly all too fresh in our awareness these days].  It will mean, too, that for us as the followers of Jesus, we are both learners and teachers for others at the same time.  We are still learning God's ways ourselves--learning how to unclench our own fists, and learning how to see others as siblings made in God's image rather than primarily as threats we need to fear.  We are unlearning the way of life that sees everything as a zero-sum game where your success means my loss.  We are learning to seek the good of all rather than just my narrow self-interest.  And some days we get it right, and sometimes we blow it.  We will need patience with ourselves as God is patient with us in our learning.

And at the same time, we are called to be examples to the watching world as well.  When people recognize us a folks who name the name of Jesus, they will be paying attention to whether our lives reflect Jesus' own peaceable way of living in the world.  They will be watching to see what it looks like for us to treat others well even when we cannot get anything from them in return.  Even as we struggle to learn it ourselves, others can see at least where the next footstep goes as we all seek to learn to walk in God's ways.

Today, let us practice what we see Jesus modeling for us, and let us be patient enough to let it take time.  We are learning how to love the world as God does, who doesn't force compliance at the point of a sword or the barrel of a gun, but rather walks with us and makes of every step teachable moment.

Let us stake the next step together... today.

Lord God, teach us yours ways, and make us patient as you are with this world you so love, as you teach us all your kind of justice and peace.

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